Sunday, November 14, 2010

theories are not always facts

theories are not always facts

After pionting out Stan needed some revision due to many false statements, Elizabeth O.  commented which attempted to prove me wrong with theories (with a very rude voice), but yet she proved herself wrong.

there's such things as prokaryotic cells that don't have nuclei. Scientist have made amino acids from scratch in a lab before, with the organic materials they are made from plus a little electricity. Then theres also a theory about asteroids carrying cells and bacteria from somewhere else. (that would also bring up the question of why there is life on other planets.)
and then there is the big bang. there doesn't need to be a 'creator' for that. seriously. what if it came from a parallel universe?

Prokaryotic cells. Even they are complex. Do YOU know biology because I do. True they lack a nucleolus (I did not deny that) but instead they have a nucleoid. Your statement does not make prokaryotic cells are extremely simple. They too have some of the parts of the cell include cytoplasm, cell membrane and  ribosome just to name a few FEW. to remind you, i got this image from wikipedia

Plus the scientists you spoke about did not create an amino acid. They replicated it. You say that cells possibly traveled on asteroids from somewhere else. Well just like I said about water, where is this somewhere? And tell me, how did the bacteria become so before going on that asteroid? Tell me, how did those bacteria on the asteroid came to be in the first place. The theories you stated all sound as if there IS a creator like “what if it came from a parallel universe?”. Tell me, how did the big bang possibly start from nothing? Stating that the big bang does not need a creator is like saying a jigsaw puzzle does not need someone to put it together to become its picture.

Next time you deny someone’s statements, be sure your “scientists” theory matches up with logic, because to get something from nothing is logically impossible unless there is someone/something behind it.

And also, never respond to a blog in your rude style again Elizibeth. Stating things like "eh, eh?" and "complete phooey" will make the reader want to just throw your work away without finishing it. You might disagree, but that does not give you the right to speak in such a rude way.

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