Saturday, November 6, 2010

Teen Beans reflection: might need a Little and seasoning

Teen Beans reflection: might need a Little and seasoning

We frequently hear adults say “kids these days”. When teens hear them say this statement, we usually assume that they are rudely misjudging us like how Nawara described in her blog Teen Beans. We assume that adults find us having an rude character which we teens know is just a myth. But I thought again about how adults judge teens and now I strongly disagree with Nawara’s blog. She stated that being a teen is what ticks an adult off when she stated:

The attitudes elders assume about the teenagers today are ruthless and invaluable.  The assumptions adults put on use are only what they here on the news and rumors.
Nawara here states something really heavy and would require some revision if it is to become more accurate. If I am correct, Nawara states that adults judge teens based on the "news and rumors". I disagree. Though rumors and the media do darken the shadow of teens a bit today, it only plays a fraction in their judgments. An elder’s judgment on teens is also based on their interactions between each other and what they have witnessed; meaning that the way an adults views a teen varies. When an elder judges someone's teenage life, usually he/she would be comparing it to their own life like our parents do.  Nawara’s parents seem pretty serious about our modern society, and they have the right to do so. Many parents view our society as one that is falling apart economically and socially, especially those who just emigrated from other foreign country.  

Adults do not find teens ruthless and invaluable. It is the environment and lifestyles teens are pressured into that they find ruthless and invaluable. When Nawara describes Vanessa’s line “What has happened to the kids nowadays” she is mostly focusing on the “kids” part of the statement. She is missing out on two crucial parts which are “to” and  “Nowadays". The “to” part indicates that the problem is pressured onto the kids. The kids them selves are not the problem. “Nowadays” is the problem that is pressured “to” the kids. “Nowadays”, our society is not the one many wish to be in. Teens and kids are more frequently pure pressured into doing stupid things they personally would not do like smoking, drinking, drugs and rape more than ever before.

1 comment:

  1. Your point about Nawara's/Vanessa's phrasing...what's happening TO kids, is a good one. It's true that young people are blamed for lots of situations that they've (you've?) simply INHERITED.
