Saturday, November 13, 2010

Don't prove it: theories that are real as a plat planet

Today I decided to read something different which was the blogs from the freshman instead of the sophomores. I found a blog typed by Stan titled dont prove and this piece contains many incorrect statements with everything based on thoughts which logically can be proven wrong.
Personally i believe that religion is a waste of time. People spend their whole life doing things they are "supposed" to do based on their religion, then they spend the end of their life regretting what they didn't do. And then they are buried and they decay into the ground.
Sorry Stan, but believing in your statement is no different from the statement "the world is flat". Religion is a crucial part of countless lives. Our modern day laws are based on them and they are the founders of determining what is right and what is wrong.

Well let us get one thing straight; there is no doubt a creator of our universe. The big bang is a theory and yet that too NEEDS a creator. Explain to me how the hell can nothing make something naturally? Whenever you watch a documentary about the creation of the planet and it comes to the part about water which is required for life, they always say "from somewhere". Where is this somewhere? certainly it was not from nowhere.

 If I ask how “did life come to be?”, like many, you would say "evolution" which once again is a theory, not a fact. But the answer "evolution"  greatly lacks and does not explain a major part; the very beginning. Answer me the question “how did life in general start on earth? One of the laws in biology is "life starts from life”. The simplest cell that ever existed on our planet is not simple at all. it has a series of parts such as the nucleolus, Ribosome, Smooth ER, Rough ER, the Golgi Apparatus, Endoplasmic Reticulum just to name a few. And that is just the very beginning. Cells are able to many things like copy DNA and use the information to do many things like replication (you are learning about cells in biology, right?) with several complex steps. Cells in our body manage to do many jobs from sending an impulse to killing a germ. tell me, how can all this complex development come to be?


  1. oh boooy. let me get a few things STRAIGHT. especially about cells. Did you not learn anything in biology? there's such things as prokaryotic cells that don't have nuclei. Scientist have made amino acids from scratch in a lab before, with the organic materials they are made from plus a little electricity. Then theres also a theory about asteroids carrying cells and bacteria from somewhere else. (that would also bring up the question of why there is life on other planets.)
    and then there is the big bang. there doesn't need to be a 'creator' for that. seriously. what if it came from a parallel universe? eh, eh? don't you watch Nova?
    I know this sounds a little ridiculous, but those are just a few reasons why your argument could be considered complete phooey.

  2. oh girlllllll... let me get some things straight with YOU.
    1. even prokaryotic cells have DNA and RNA. The cells need information to reproduce, to use energy, and to stay alive in general. Information does not come up from thin air. Information does not pop up with primordial gloop. A book is not just ink and paper... it is information as well.

  3. 1.2: the prokaryotic cells don't have nuclei.. but they have a zone where DNA and RNA- INFORMATION, is stored.

  4. 2. Yes, Scientists have produced amino acids, but consider this. Amino acids by themselves are not information. They have to be arranged to be used. Scientists agree that the simplest cell uses a chain of at least 250 amino acids, in an exact order.

  5. 2.2 Imagine you're at a casino, and you pull one of the slot machines. Hurrah! You win! Now, imagine being told that in order to get the prize, you have to do that again..and again.. 250 times in a row.. in that same exact order. And that is just for one cell.

  6. 3. The scientists are really getting desperate. Tell me, if those cells came, riding on asteroids, to our planet from ANOTHER planet... how does that explain how life began in the first place? It's just a bs theory on how life was magically transported (unintentionally, by chance) from a different planet to ours. HOW DID LIFE COME ABOUT ON THAT PLANET?

  7. 4. And now, at last, the Big Bang theory, my favorite part. Has anyone noticed how... similar the Big Bang theory is to the bible story of creation? First there was nothing.. and then there was everything. Except, in materialism, there was no God that planned every moment of it. Nothing was eternal.. the universe just popped out on its own. Now, explain why it is more likely that everything popped out on its own.. by itself... because a bunch of atoms just randomlydecided to exist... than a God, an eternal God, created it all.

  8. Going back...
    2.3. Remember, also, that those scientists were in a laboratory. They weren't mixing primordial gloop and randomly, an amino acid popped up. So thanks for once again proving a creator's existence. If you had said that one day, while mixing primordial gloop, an amino acid randomly popped out, than you would be going somewhere. But, the experiment was PLANNED by intelligent beings... just like GOD PLANNED LIFE.God knew how to create more than one amino acid.

  9. 3.2 Also, HOW DID THOSE CELLS FIND OUR PLANET. Earth is a marvel... a perfect goldilocks planet. Not too hot.. not too cold... with water in liquid form. We haven't found life outside our planet, I don't know if we will, but if there is such a planet.. it must be pretty damn far away.

  10. An asteroid is not a space ship. It is a rock. Rocks don't think.. they dont float around, looking for the perfect planet. So, in order for it to be possible, the asteroid must have been floating around for quite a while... from wherever it is. but wait.. how did those cells stay alive in the meantime? All cells need water... and water would freeze/evaporate without an ozone layer. (btw.. asteroids don't have ozone layers... just in case you forgot ;D)

  11. So of course, I have come up with the solution... the planet must be a freaking asteroid making machine.. pooping them asteroids out :DDD but wait... woouldnt the planet with life disappear after a while? Rocks don't reproduce :D (hint, hint)

  12. I made a response post. :D

    Also, this really isn't the place for a debate or argument. I seriously suggest making blog posts, instead of a lot of comments. XD
