Saturday, November 6, 2010

Speech: posible ways for peace

We all have many indentations but with no doubt we all have one in common; peace. Think of all the benefits and rewards the world would have if only we had absolute peace. All the money that is being wasted in the Middle East for combat which is not really getting us anywhere could be put to better and wiser uses such as education and aid to our troubled economy. But it would be a bit difficult for us to deal with actual war. However we can help by writing letters to the government giving them reasons to end the war and doing protests. But some of the very most effective ways on bring peace starts in your own little neighborhood.
Big things start with small things. Even the smallest action can cause an exploding impact on a society. By doing small and simple things such as opening the door for someone or by picking a piece of trash off the sidewalk, you are showing an example of good to others around you, enlightening them to do so as well. This is why parents and adults should behave properly while being at least in the presence of children; after all, they are the future.
The quote “an eye for an eye blinds the world” by Mahout Gandhi refers to an obstacle that ignites many of the wars and violence throughout history; revenge. It brings up hatred and violence between relationships. How can we deal with it? Forgiveness. Putting it to a nation level, there would be no wars, no violence and perhaps even no hatred. Putting it to a small city size such as Alameda, crimes though known to be not so severe nor common, would most likely never have happen. Sometimes it can be difficult to forgive someone, but you should only hate the crime not the person. Otherwise you could call yourself a hypocrite because no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes, including yourself.
Another way to prevent violence is by showing respect to everyone. This also means that you should not assume everyone is to give you respect as if you were top authority. Because you are popular, strong etc. does not give you the right to assume you are the most important. This is one factor that brings up bullying and fights in schools. In reality, knowledge is what gives you power. All of the most powerful and successful military and government leaders had great knowledge and knew what to do at a given situation and were not necessarily strong or popular until they achieved their goals. Imagine what would happen if we actually knew what great rewarding benefits knowledge provides instead of popularity. Everyone, especially children and teens, would be more focused in their studies and less if not no time at all doing trouble. After all, smarter future is a safer one
Respect and forgiveness are only a few of the things to help bring peace to the world. Doing more communitywide activities like festivals would bring the community closer together. But like what Mother Teresa said, “Do not wait for your leaders. Do it yourself; person to person”. We should not wait for others to do what is right or tell us to do what is right. That is another thing that prevents peace; the lack of initiative. We all should also stand up to make peace peacefully; otherwise we would be doing the exact opposite. But it is everyone who is to participate. Everyone plays part in our ‘small’ world so everyone is included.  Thanks for your time and for listening to my speech!

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