Friday, January 14, 2011

reflection: handicap

Having a disability has interfered with many lives throughout history. Luck of us discrimination on disabled is not as common and we have cures and operations that can improve and cure a disabled. After reading   

Disability issues are common all over the world. People are born mentally & physically handicapped. Even if they can't walk or hold still it does not mean that they are not human. These people deserve all the rights everyone else.
How would you like to be in a wheel chair for the rest of your life? I mean we all dream to be on top, famous, or happy, but when we treat these people so rudely you don't how much we hurt them making them feel so much lower.

I know how it feels like to be “handicapped” since I have epilepsy. Though I am more fortunate than those who unfortunately have several seizures daily and those lost their ability to walk, my life is limited. I am advised to avoid activities that require loads of energy such as cross country running and a few games at PE when my team really needs everyone. I am also forbidden to eat carbohydrates (which include sodas, treats, pastries etc) and that I frequently violate. These rules can become so controlling I frequently ignore them, increasing the chance for me in having a seizre. Many of my dream jobs I had became erased from my future. No longer can I become an astronaut, a pilot, or an athlete since these I dream jobs just listed put my life at risk I have a seizure.  Though I luckily have auras (a feeling before a seizure), they only give me about a 10 second warning before they occur.

But disabilities do not only provoke insult at times, but they can also cause crazy worry. Whenever I have an attack many panic like crazy (understandably). After I had a seizure in 6th grade in middle school, my teacher from then on treated me as if I was the most delicate thing on the planet and anything can kill me. This drove me crazy.

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