Tuesday, January 25, 2011

debate post: wiki links

Wiki links can be benificial for a society. It is better to know the truth of what is going on then just carrying on not knowing full detail behind what your leaders are up to. You can never trust anyone in our modern day world so you should never assume wiki links is foolproof. But if what is said is true, then there will be positive feedback.

Wiki links has informed its readers about the mischief our government is up to. It has informed us about what truly the US military is up to in the Middle east. It informed the reader that the US has done more damage to their government then it claimed to have helped. The troops mistreat and torture their prisoners who many are innocent. The US has “accidently” shot far more innocent civilians than they claim to have had. This information, if true, tells us that we are doing far more damage to their society than repairing it. This encourages and and angers those who read this. Not only would they be disappointed for the fact the US is causing problems and killing innocent lives, but they would be mad that their leaders have lacked honesty and fooled many into this war. It is more benefical to know the truth and follow it than to be fooled.

Though wiki links may be benifical for a society, it is definently devastating for the government. When wiki links informed tunisia about how their government was just taking advantage over them and used their power for them selves, the people of tunisia rebelled and things became violent. Releasing this secrete brought violence and anger from the society, putting the government’s lives at risk. And what if wiki links stated a false statement (purposely or accidently)? That too would be devastating not only for the government but also for the people.

Though devastating for the government, wiki links can be benificail to a society. if wiki links is truly honest, the society benefit.  They can know if they are being cheated and simply used for the governments personal life and pleasure. Then the people can know if their support and dedication to their leaders is truly worth the cost.

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