Saturday, January 22, 2011

political power

Political power can corrupt the people who attain it. Great power brings great responsibility. If the power comes in the hands of the wrong  person, the group or nation is heading into a troubling dark situation. However, if the government has some limits to the power and what one can do, then they are in a much safer situation.

If there is a lack of limits for the government, then it becomes more tempting for leader(s) to abuse their power. If the leader(s) become abusive, no longer would the people support their leaders. No longer would the people desire to follow them. Dictatorship is on no citizen’s wish list. Those who are abusive no longer would be ruling for the people but rather for themselves. More enemies would arise and many would no longer desire to obey, causing hatred to flow and cause violence. If the people no longer freely follow, then the government would need to force them. To force the people to follow, the government does so by using fear. To fear a society, the government uses severe penalties. Take the soviet union as an example. In Poland, if one did not follow or was thought to be a threat against the communist government, he or she would be arrested or even shot. These leaders are serious on having people to follow their orders and demands. My dad grew up when Poland had communism and life was tough. To keep the people from disobeying, spies were used. No longer was it possible to trust anyone since he or she could be working for the communists, including young teens. The Russian communist rulers were more desperate to preserve their form of government and more controlling. Many who disobeyed were sent to the freezing no mans land of Siberia in camps.

After reading Orwell’s Animal farm book, I believe he would totally agree that political power would corrupt the people who attain it. It is extremely tempting to abuse it if no one is there to stop you. Eventually this could play around with the leader’s mind, believing that he or she has nothing to loose or fear. They begin to feel over confident and more arrogant, thing only on ways of benefiting themselves rather than their society

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