Saturday, December 11, 2010

Worriors Dont Cry post 2

Passing the second paper clip I placed in Warriors Don’t Cry, the story to me just keeps on adding up. Melba, the main character who is an African American girl attending Central High, becomes victimized and mistreated due to the heavy racism and hatred many white students have for her. Due to her courage to resist such dirty racism, I believe Melba is becoming a very strong warrior. To me, this story gives me an idea of how a society thinks and judges others. During our discussion my group brought up some interesting topics and questions. We even were able to state a few level 3 questions which is not an easy task to accomplish. There was an interesting question in particular that Gina brought up which I now have a response to. We spoke about the racist mistreatment Melba had, and by the end Gina asked if there are still such terrible acts in our present day society. If there was a little more time and the answer came to me at that time, I would name a 21st century mistreatment that kills over 25% of the United States population and sadly our president is trying to legalize this form of cruelty. Sadly, it can take generations until a society will stop and think what they are up to. It took a while for our society to realize slavery was morally wrong. It took a while until segregation was eliminated. And today’s society, the one we now live in? Well there are many ways people are misjudged which leads to mistreatment. There is mistreatment for gay people and people of certain beliefs. But one rolling in my mind which is far worse than all of the mistreatments combined abortion. I know many would just go mad if I mentioned it, but eventually they will need to find the truth. In the past, if a southerner mentioned about a free African American, the people near by would probably get enough and for some, greatly provoked. If someone tried to help an African American in a Jim crow society, the helper would frequently be called a “nigger-lover” and even beaten (like in the book To Kill a Mocking Bird.). But like in every story, what is right will always win, eventually. On day our society will view gay mistreatment as a “Jim Crow era” for homosexuals and abortion as a “21st century holocaust” since it is the act of KILLING an innocent child. Sadly change can take a while to occur. We might not live our lives to see these changes, but what is right is right, and whoever is right is always victorious.

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