Saturday, December 11, 2010

an argument about argument:reflection

After reading a response that attempted once again to prove me wrong but failed, i found an interesting blog named the cat with crossed paws that had an interesting topic and start, but i found a few things that i found worth "arguing" about.

Argument is the root of all evil. A force opposing your own. And idea, a feeling, a person, an opinion. No, argument does not always escalate into something big, but it often turns your opponent more against you than they were before you fought.

True there are frequently arguments that are childish which just hold you and your opponent behind like ‘who will get the last cookie’ or ‘this belongs me’, but not all the arguments that occur(ed) are to be considered roots of “evil". Arguments sometimes go out of hand and suddenly you are in chaos and violence. A simple argument can at times add up to a war. However, argument is not always the root of all evil, but rather the seed of all goodness.

The main reason of argument is to prove or point out to someone into agreeing or disagreeing. if you argue that something is not the way it should be, then is arguing still evil? Was it wrong for the northerners of the United States to argue that slavery is wrong? Was it wrong for Rosa Parks to argue and refuse to give up her seat? Was it wrong for America to argue against the Crown? Was it wrong for women to argue for equal rights like voting? Is it wrong to argue for your rights and equality? Well the answers to these questions all share the same conclusion; argument is necessary and that it is not always the wrong thing to do.

If we do not argue, then things usually just remain the same. Staying the same is not always the best thing to do. All societies have issues that they need to deal and end with. Avoiding argument would just keep those problems flowing about.

Argument is like standing up for what you believe is to be the truth, though not all that we believe/agree in is the correct answer.  

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