Friday, September 24, 2010

jokes: quick write

There are is a lot that comes to my mind whenever I hear the word jokes. There are many kinds of jokes like you mama jokes, knock jokes, and riddles. But the ones that are the most funny of all jokes are usually racist and at times strongly offensive.
I know many racist jokes, but that does not mean that I am recites. I do not agree nor believe these jokes are true. Racisms jokes are made for several reasons. One for example is that the natives/those who lived in that given area are annoyed or dislike the immigrants. There are May racist joke on Mexicans because several Americans (not everyone) get annoyed or don’t want them to come into their country. They fear that they can take up all their jobs and opportunities. I know many jokes on Mexicans but I do not agree tat they are all true. Of course, there are these jokes that just want to insult their race or religion. This is why there are several jokes on Jews and African Americans. Racist jokes are made also because someone might think their race or religion is superior to another. I know many racist jokes from many places. I have traveled it Europe where many think they are superior to others therefore they make up many racist jokes. In Spain for example, a friend of mine told me that it is common to hear jokes about Muslims and Africans because many manage to pass the border as illegal immigrants, similarly what is happening with Mexicans passing the border to the u.s.a.

1 comment:

  1. People also make racist jokes in order to make fun of the real racists.
