Saturday, September 25, 2010

are we human or are we animals?

After reading and writing a reflection on Vincent’s blog about right and wrong, I thought again about how these two words have for us. What is the true meaning, or even better, purpose and reason? Are we not "evolved" animals that share a common ancestry with the chimps which to this day are not as advanced as we are? Is survival for humans only meant for the fittest? There are not those who are not in good conditions such as disabilities and yet they manage to survive? And if all life on earth is truly just a great coincidence, what is the point of having right and wrong. What is the purpose of forgiveness and kindness?

There is no doubt that we have changed over time. We have adapted to our given environments over time to places such as desert hot regions and the freezing cold regions of the tundra. If we did not do so, we would be in great trouble and vanish in no time. Even though evolution can explain changes in our “species” , it does not fully answer the question how we came to be. If all our characteristics only came by chance and evolution, we are one extraordinary creature. We are the most advanced machines of the planet with countless abilities such as the ability to verbally communicate to one another, the ability to read and write, and to invent. But there is one characteristic that no other creature on this planet masters in but us; free will. We have the ability to choose what to eat (whether toxic or not), to freely love and hate, and to decide what to do at any given situation. Saying that these abilities came to us through evolution and coincidence is hard to believe. Why are we the only creature on earth that has these extraordinary abilities? Why do we have the ability to control one another and to follow or not. If we are animals, then what is wrong with murder? What is wrong with rape? What is wrong with slavery? Doesn’t slavery make someone’s life easier?

Well my answer to all these questions is because we are human, not an ‘animal’. Perhaps there is a reason why we have free will while other creatures greatly lack it. Maybe there is a creator. Maybe it is God. Maybe it is Allah. Maybe it is Buddha. Or maybe it is some kind of alien. There is ‘right’ and there is ‘wrong’ because our life has a purpose and is precious to keep.

1 comment:

  1. It's difficult to delve into topics as profound as you do here in such a short space, so I'm really not sure how to respond. Some of the things you say and questions you raise are really thought-provoking, and some other parts need more explanation if they're going to be clear, at least to me.

    There are at least a couple of books on the subject of human nature and human purpose which I think you might get a lot out of. Here's one which is particularly relevant to your discussion. I read it years ago and have been wanting to get back to it ever since:

    Check it out! You'll find it fascinating, I'm sure.
