Monday, September 13, 2010

Global Warming Rebuttal: reasons why CO2 cannot be causing climate change

The pro side on the debate for man-made global warming made several errors and failed to rebuttal a few things that the con side stated.

The pro side failed to explain the reason for the temperature drop during and after World War 2 when CO2 levels were going up because of mass production and economic boosts. Articles stated that the earth was heading for another ice age but in 1980s the temperature started to increase and articles spoke about global warming.

Droughts in Africa are natural. The pro side spoke about Lake Chad “drying up” but this is nothing new. They failed to mention that this has happen several times before such as in 8500BC, 5500BC, 1000BC and 100BC (one of the 35 errors in the 'Inconvenient truth').

Pro failed to explain what caused the little ice age to happen. The average temperature dramatically lowered and it was not caused by CO2 drop. (ice core record

One of their major errors was the failed to explain how our tiny fraction of CO2 admissions can cause a dramatic change to the climate. We produce only about 5% of the CO2 that is in the atmosphere. Co2 is also a minor greenhouse gas that produces less than 5% of the greenhouse gas effect. They were treating CO2 as a major greenhouse gas which is false.

The pro side stated that CO2 levels increased by 75%, but they failed to mention that the 75% is the increase of our fraction.

The pro side stated that the sun spots are decreasing but yet temperatures are still rising. True the temperature has been increasing and the sun spots were decreasing, but they failed to mention that the temperature increase in the late 1990s was caused by a severe el nino and that after 2002 the average temperature has been decreasing.

The pro side stated that the atmosphere has been experiencing some drastic temperature changes. This is false. There has not been any temperature change in the atmosphere for the past decade.  (evidence of no temperature increase atmosphere )

The pro side's point that CO2 is what causes the temperature to change is very, very, very difficult to believe. They failed to rebuttal that”Ice Core Studies Prove CO2 Is Not the Powerful Climate Driver Climate Alarmists make it out to be" ( They failed to explain why CO2 can control the climate today and yet it never has in the past. They failed to rebuttal my smiley of "smoking (temperature) causes lung cancer (CO2 increase); lung cancer does not cause smoking". (CO2 lags tempreture)


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