Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Dinosaurs identity

Thesis: Throughout the story of “The Dinosaur” by Italo Calvino, Q the last dinosaur finds out his true identity.

Q was not truly a dinosaur at the beginning of the story. After surviving the most treacherous environments, Q came to meet the New Ones. They did not see Q as a monster but rather as a normal creature. This caused Q to think “nobody suspected who I [Q] might be.” (pg 99). This shows that Q no longer looked as dangerous as he once did. The New Ones had great fear of dinosaurs but no fear of Q. Besides a lack dinosaurian appearance, Q also lost a lot of this strength. Zahn, one of the New Ones, saw Q and offered a match with him. Q’s luck in the fight was not good at the start. He even expericed  “I [Q] felt I was about to give up” (pg 102). Q not only was losing his appearance as a dinosaur but he also was becoming weak. A New One was thought to be weaker than a dinosaur, and yet he was able to defeat Q. If it was not for the tail weapon, he would have lost the match with Zahn.

As the story went on, Q became a different creature. Originally, a dinosaur is not become friends with a New One since the New Ones are usually a dinosaurs side dish. The New Ones treated Q differently and Q accepted it. After Q’s victorious fight with Zahn, Q “became the most respected of all” (pg 103).That kind of relationship Q had with the New Ones is like a relationship between predator and prey. This shows that Q was becoming more harmless, the opposite of what a dinosaur is to be.

However, Q’s new personality did not last forever. As time went by, Q found out that he was truly a dinosaur. As the days with the New Ones added up, eventually some dinosaurs came back. The New Ones asked Q to lead the campaign against the dinosaurs, but this placed Q into a very difficult situation. He had to decide whether to help his friends fight off the dinosaurs, or rejoin his fellow race. This brought stress upon Q making him to have “nothing to do on either side” (pg 106). Joining either side would bring negative and positive effects for Q. if he helped his New One friends, he would be betraying his own dinosaur race. If he joined the dinosaurs, he would betray his friends that caused a great impact on his life. Because of the difficult situation, Q told the New Ones something he should have at least tried to of told. He “allowed the truth about me [dinosaur identity] out” (107). His statement of truth shows the identity Q decided to go by; dinosaur. No longer did he wish to stay around the New Ones as the “ugly one” (a name they gave him) but rather the dinosaur. So Q left the New Ones (maybe to prevent them from being his meal) and lived on his own. But this time of loneliness was not like the previous one. Now he did not fear being who he really was because now he knew that he was truly a dinosaur and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

are we human or are we animals?

After reading and writing a reflection on Vincent’s blog about right and wrong, I thought again about how these two words have for us. What is the true meaning, or even better, purpose and reason? Are we not "evolved" animals that share a common ancestry with the chimps which to this day are not as advanced as we are? Is survival for humans only meant for the fittest? There are not those who are not in good conditions such as disabilities and yet they manage to survive? And if all life on earth is truly just a great coincidence, what is the point of having right and wrong. What is the purpose of forgiveness and kindness?

There is no doubt that we have changed over time. We have adapted to our given environments over time to places such as desert hot regions and the freezing cold regions of the tundra. If we did not do so, we would be in great trouble and vanish in no time. Even though evolution can explain changes in our “species” , it does not fully answer the question how we came to be. If all our characteristics only came by chance and evolution, we are one extraordinary creature. We are the most advanced machines of the planet with countless abilities such as the ability to verbally communicate to one another, the ability to read and write, and to invent. But there is one characteristic that no other creature on this planet masters in but us; free will. We have the ability to choose what to eat (whether toxic or not), to freely love and hate, and to decide what to do at any given situation. Saying that these abilities came to us through evolution and coincidence is hard to believe. Why are we the only creature on earth that has these extraordinary abilities? Why do we have the ability to control one another and to follow or not. If we are animals, then what is wrong with murder? What is wrong with rape? What is wrong with slavery? Doesn’t slavery make someone’s life easier?

Well my answer to all these questions is because we are human, not an ‘animal’. Perhaps there is a reason why we have free will while other creatures greatly lack it. Maybe there is a creator. Maybe it is God. Maybe it is Allah. Maybe it is Buddha. Or maybe it is some kind of alien. There is ‘right’ and there is ‘wrong’ because our life has a purpose and is precious to keep.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Reflection:the truth of right and wrong

There is a huge difference between right and wrong. A person, place or thing can only fall into one or the other. However, it is not that easy to determine if something is wrong. Many times our opinions and thoughts blind us from determining the true answer.

Vincent Liu had a very interesting question in his essay  "Right and Wrong" 
"Does growing up in a certain way determine a person's judgment on the difference between what is right and wrong?"
And the answer to his question is obviously yes. It all depends on the person's character, personality, and the society. We are all human and have the same abilities and similar characteristics. A person will judge what is right and wrong based on his/her experiences, particularly during their childhood since that is when their character forms. An example is the Jim Crow era. Many in the south thought it was right to segregate people based on their skin color. They thought that it would be best for the society if dark skinned people were excluded from the community. Of course, today we know that this was wrong and second off, pointless. We know that everyone deserves equal rights and respect. Another example is totalitarianism. Before world war two, many people were blinded by their leaders into believing into something that is not necessarily true. Many Germans were blinded to become a member of the Nazis by the leaders, making them think that they are the rulers of the world, superior over all man kind and making them think that all others are to be killed such as their bordering countries and theses from different religions. Obviously what they were fooled to believe was not true and wrong, and yet they still followed it believing what was tight to them to be true. Veterans from the Nazi party still agree with what Hitler told them. And why did all these people believe in nonsense like segregation and the holocaust? Because they where blind by their society into believing what was wrong to being true.

jokes: quick write

There are is a lot that comes to my mind whenever I hear the word jokes. There are many kinds of jokes like you mama jokes, knock jokes, and riddles. But the ones that are the most funny of all jokes are usually racist and at times strongly offensive.
I know many racist jokes, but that does not mean that I am recites. I do not agree nor believe these jokes are true. Racisms jokes are made for several reasons. One for example is that the natives/those who lived in that given area are annoyed or dislike the immigrants. There are May racist joke on Mexicans because several Americans (not everyone) get annoyed or don’t want them to come into their country. They fear that they can take up all their jobs and opportunities. I know many jokes on Mexicans but I do not agree tat they are all true. Of course, there are these jokes that just want to insult their race or religion. This is why there are several jokes on Jews and African Americans. Racist jokes are made also because someone might think their race or religion is superior to another. I know many racist jokes from many places. I have traveled it Europe where many think they are superior to others therefore they make up many racist jokes. In Spain for example, a friend of mine told me that it is common to hear jokes about Muslims and Africans because many manage to pass the border as illegal immigrants, similarly what is happening with Mexicans passing the border to the u.s.a.

Friday, September 17, 2010

ways to lie

   Prapaganda: the govenments style to lie

Propaganda is the most famous of all strategies to convince the general public into believing something true or false. All you need to do to make others believe you is to express fearful images and statements which do not need to be true. Fear is the most important ingredient to propaganda. Presidents, good or not, try to make themselves look like heroes and frequently make blank promises. The government used striking images to convince men into desiring to fight wars. Even today the government is using propaganda to fear Americans into believing the war in the Middle East is necessary. Luckily, fewer and fewer people are supporting the war in Iraq. So called "scientists" frequently speak about the danger we are in because we are causing global warming, basing their data on junk science. The media feared the public that H1N1 is the next virus to cause a pandemic. All of these events were done for specific reason; money and power. The war in Iraq is not fought for terrorists but rather for the oil which can provide billions of billions dollars. The man-made global warming theory was made to scare people and make them pay additional taxes and control the economy, nothing to do with the environment. H1N1 did become a problem but not to the level that the media stated it was. They wanted citizens to rush and get a flu shot which really only contained eggs and other ingredients that poorly helped if it did at all. This shot caused many to not recover but rather worsen their situation such as the cheerleading girl who became paralyzed due to the shot.
Luckily, it usually comes to an end when the fooled citizens come to realize the truth. At times it can take longer periods of time, especially when the ones who start propaganda are usually "scientists", the favored/famous and those of authority. Propaganda is always eventually proven wrong. Our world is always changing and never remains the same. Our climate is rather cooling and fewer and fewer believe in the hoax of man-made global warming. A leader that makes blank promises and goes off in the wrong direction (done in secrete or not) is never able to keep its people believing in their false identity and eventually become hate/disliked.

is fashion who we are?

Throughout history we have always had fashion with style. They are two major factors that come to mind when we judge others. In Europe during the renaissance for example, men who had a sword with them on their side would be considered upperclassmen. Women who wore rich Jewry obviously made others assume that she is wealth. What you wear (fashion) is a strong characteristic that makes others determine who you are. If you see a person in old, dirty and sometimes smelly clothing you can assume that person is homeless or extremely poor. If you see a man in a tux, you can assume he is participating in some kind of celebration and possibly has some money in reach. If you see a person who is wearing clothing that has an odd style, you can assume that he is not up-to-date.
 In the easy we read in class which was about style, she categorized fashion into two major areas; black style and white. When I first heard the part of black style, what came to my mind was the comedy movie of Borat. When borat was going through the US, he met with some black men or possibly gangsters in a sense. He asked them to teach him how to be cool. So they taught him to speak in street talk and made him wear his clothing in a different way, or more accurately, in a different style. When he went back to a hotel he behaved in that style and the next thing he faced were the security men. This part of the movie is extremely alike to the topic of style.
And who determines the fashion of the century? It is every person, including you. Even though you might not be the one who designs it, you still support it by actual dressing or behaving in that style. Of course there are those who might not be fans of modern style. These people are usually adults such as our parents and elders. I wanted to have a specific hair cut but my entire dad wanted was my hair to be short and simple.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

my 10 word list


Monday, September 13, 2010

Global Warming Rebuttal: reasons why CO2 cannot be causing climate change

The pro side on the debate for man-made global warming made several errors and failed to rebuttal a few things that the con side stated.

The pro side failed to explain the reason for the temperature drop during and after World War 2 when CO2 levels were going up because of mass production and economic boosts. Articles stated that the earth was heading for another ice age but in 1980s the temperature started to increase and articles spoke about global warming.

Droughts in Africa are natural. The pro side spoke about Lake Chad “drying up” but this is nothing new. They failed to mention that this has happen several times before such as in 8500BC, 5500BC, 1000BC and 100BC (one of the 35 errors in the 'Inconvenient truth').

Pro failed to explain what caused the little ice age to happen. The average temperature dramatically lowered and it was not caused by CO2 drop. (ice core record

One of their major errors was the failed to explain how our tiny fraction of CO2 admissions can cause a dramatic change to the climate. We produce only about 5% of the CO2 that is in the atmosphere. Co2 is also a minor greenhouse gas that produces less than 5% of the greenhouse gas effect. They were treating CO2 as a major greenhouse gas which is false.

The pro side stated that CO2 levels increased by 75%, but they failed to mention that the 75% is the increase of our fraction.

The pro side stated that the sun spots are decreasing but yet temperatures are still rising. True the temperature has been increasing and the sun spots were decreasing, but they failed to mention that the temperature increase in the late 1990s was caused by a severe el nino and that after 2002 the average temperature has been decreasing.

The pro side stated that the atmosphere has been experiencing some drastic temperature changes. This is false. There has not been any temperature change in the atmosphere for the past decade.  (evidence of no temperature increase atmosphere )

The pro side's point that CO2 is what causes the temperature to change is very, very, very difficult to believe. They failed to rebuttal that”Ice Core Studies Prove CO2 Is Not the Powerful Climate Driver Climate Alarmists make it out to be" (Co2science.org). They failed to explain why CO2 can control the climate today and yet it never has in the past. They failed to rebuttal my smiley of "smoking (temperature) causes lung cancer (CO2 increase); lung cancer does not cause smoking". (CO2 lags tempreture)