Wednesday, March 30, 2011

family story conections

family story conections

when a group of individuals share a similar goal, their story of how they achieved it (or failed) can be totally different. this is true about all of the family stories i read from my class. but at the same time, many of the stories share several notable similarities. One very popular characteristic that many stories share is the characters’ goals and the theme or situation.

One common type of situation that popped up in several of the stories was a life threatening situation. Many of the stories had that situation where it could me considered luck as why they still exist(ed). My story concluded that my grandma was lucky to survive the Russian attract/murder. Survival and hiding was not only in my story but also in many other stories.
In john’s story, his great grandparents had a friend name Jim who barely survived. Similar to my grandma's story where she hid for survival. My grandma hid in a barrel while Jim hid under floor boards.
he was accused of raping a white women. in the state of Texas at that time would mean that a black man would be lynched. so my grandmothers grandparents hid there friend jim under floor boards. if Jim was found in my grandmothers grandparents house all three of them would be lynched because they where apart of hiding this man."
Jim here was lucky to survive and john’s grandparents were brave to help save his life. My grandma’s story as was similar because she too had to hid for survival.
Carly told a story about an uncle who experience a similar situation, though the ending was not such a happy one. Nevertheless, he lucky survived
The plan was not successful; many people lost their lives, others were injured severely. Even those who remained in the train did not survive; the train eventually crashed into the small boulder .My Uncle was among the severely injured.
Carrly’s uncle barely survived the situation. He was lucky to make it since he was one of the only survivors. This simialarly happened to my grandma in the story I told. She, however, was the only one survivor.
Another story that is similar to to my grandmother's was Amber's story. Her story also not only had a simular life threating case, but also took place at the same time and close by.
The Germans forced them to work and said that if they didn’t, they would kill their families. My great-grandfather was very frightened and constantly hungry.

 like my grandma's story, amber's grandfather's story came face to face with an enemy force during the second world war. Both of our stories also have the conclusion that we are lucky to be alive.

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