Friday, February 25, 2011

family reflection question

Like many other questions that relate to family life, it almost always depends. It depends on how you define “honor”. Of course you should show respect towards your family. It is rude and wrong to not honor what your family does for you. It takes loads of effort and sacrificice  to hold a family and especially tiring for raising a child (usually). Parents dedicate their time of freedom to the family. They have more work to cover which could greatly shrink the possible time for pleasure. This is why parents should be honored and respected. The purpose of their decisions is to improve the life of a family, even if they might not sound right or fair. But, there are situations where the decisions are made for a bad cause or unnecessary. This is where the question can be shaky and turned against. Families many times follow a tradition or culture. Children, however, many times wish to follow the culture of their day than their parents’ style.

For the most part, Popo was strongly in support of the fact about honor. Whenever her the son disobeyed the honor code to adults, she became tempered and unusually violent. She slapped, pushed and spat in Ani-Mei’s son whenever he seemed to dishonor in any way. Ani-Mei, however, was not such a fan of their honor code. She in a sense was a rebel. She wanted to move to the United States and start a new life with a new family. she did not care if her children knew any Chinese. But there is a part in the chapter “scar” where she strongly honored her family. She chopped off a piece of her flesh for a soup, some kind of tradition. This would most likely not be done if she was such a rebel. All that pain is not worth it for a rebel. However, there are some possible reasons for this. Maybe she wanted to make it up for all those rebel years. She might have changed her thoughts on the account of family honor, now believing that it is more important.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

response to Amy Chau's false assumptions

"Chinese parents can get away with things that Western parents can't. Once when I was young—maybe more than once—when I was extremely disrespectful to my mother, my father angrily called me "garbage" in our native Hokkien dialect. It worked really well. I felt terrible and deeply ashamed of what I had done. But it didn't damage my self-esteem or anything like that. I knew exactly how highly he thought of me. I didn't actually think I was worthless or feel like a piece of garbage."

this sounds extremely familiar to my life. though my mother longer his here to force me into playing an instrument, my parents still try their very best to keep me in being more of my original heritage and try to prevent me from becoming more American. They are very cautions on allowing me in hanging out with those of different races, but if that friend is Polish or at least white, then they allow me to stay as long as I want.

My parents behave like her parents. If dare to say something that is against them, they would call me something quite negative. They always use the excuse “because I am an adult” whenever they both to violate their own words of some sort. Though this is unfair, I get loads of discipline and improvement in my moral character.

I strongly disagree with what she says that Chinese mothers are superior. She is comparing with the entire world and that assumption can easily be proven wrong. She thinks that Chinese mothers are the only ones who actually raise their children correctly and that is totally false. She thinks it is only Chinese care the most about their children's grade but that is a false assumption. China doe not even have the world's best education system (though it is good).

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

john posted our ch 11

john posted our ch 11

connections with egypt and animal farm

there are some huge connections between Animal farm (writen by George Orwell) and what is going on in egypt and several other contries today. Hopefully, Egypt's situation will not conclude as it did in Animal farm

one strong connection between the two is the fact that the leaders have fear and annoyance of the other animals and pigs. Napoleon, for example, had great fear of some of the pigs, particularly Snowball. snowball was in a sense a threat to Napoleon because he knew that he was one of those who was able to overturn and take his power away. to do so, napoleon used his fearsome dogs to kick snowball away. the leaders in egypt no long ago had a similar fear. but what they feared was not only the people but also the internet. this is why they shuted off the internet. the leaders knew if the information about what  they were up to (abusing thier power and keeping thier nation in poverty while they have an easy life), they would develope more enemies. this would also cause other nations to get involved and then they would be totally busted. they wanted to hide thier deep secrets, though they have not made any progress at all.

Another connection that Animal Farm an the uprising in many coutries today is that the people can be fooled easily if they are persuaded. All the leaders need to do is make some blank promises and sound wonderful. Then everyone is in favor of him or her. They use excuses so the support remains strong. In egypt, for example, the leaders said that they where having an bad situation and emergency laws were in use as a reason for their unwise decisions. The pigs did something similarly. When they violated the constitution they established and the animal questioned why they violated it, they played played around and even changed their laws to benefit themselves instead and excludes the animals. The fiddiling with the laws is they the egyptian emergency laws. The laws were established originally to benefit the entire country. Instead, it benefited the leaders more than the people.

conections with egypt and animal farm

there are some huge connections between Animal farm (writen by George Orwell) and what is going on in egypt and several other contries today. Hopefully, Egypt's situation will not conclude as it did in Animal farm

one strong connection between the two is the fact that the leaders have fear and annoyance of the other animals and pigs. Napoleon, for example, had great fear of some of the pigs, particularly Snowball. snowball was in a sense a threat to Napoleon because he knew that he was one of those who was able to overturn and take his power away. to do so, napoleon used his fearsome dogs to kick snowball away. the leaders in egypt no long ago had a similar fear. but what they feared was not only the people but also the internet. this is why they shuted off the internet. the leaders knew if the information about what  they were up to (abusing thier power and keeping thier nation in poverty while they have an easy life), they would develope more enemies. this would also cause other nations to get involved and then they would be totally busted. they wanted to hide thier deep secrets, though they have not made any progress at all.

Another connection that Animal Farm an the uprising in many coutries today is that the people can be fooled easily if they are persuaded. All the leaders need to do is make some blank promises and sound wonderful. Then everyone is in favor of him or her. They use excuses so the support remains strong. In egypt, for example, the leaders said that they where having an bad situation and emergency laws were in use as a reason for their unwise decisions. The pigs did something similarly. When they violated the constitution they established and the animal questioned why they violated it, they played played around and even changed their laws to benefit themselves instead and excludes the animals. The fiddiling with the laws is they the egyptian emergency laws. The laws were established originally to benefit the entire country. Instead, it benefited the leaders more than the people.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Animal farm question 1

A command is not always obeyed and/or agreed upon. Unless you are involved in the military or some sort of stick order system, people will not nessasarly obey you. People usually would like a reason for their orders, making sure that what they are to do is not a waste of their time. But there is something that can increase your chances of people to follow you even in the most rediculuos and doubting situations. It is persuasion. In the book animal farm written by george orwell, the most intellegant creatures on the farm, the pigs, were grasping the other animals attention through persuasion. However, not all the pigs persuaded the farm animals the same way. Major and Napolion both had different ways in gatting the other animals to follow their orders.

Major, the pig that inspired the animals to revolt against the humans, persuaded the farm through using words of wisdom and agreeing with all point of views of each animal. This is shown in his speech when he questioned “how many thousands of gallons of milk have you given? [...]  [to hens] how many of those eggs have you laid in this last year, and how many of them have hatched?” (pg 29). Here major is pointing out to the farm that their life is miserable. What makes his speech so persasive is that he uses real life examples as evidence to back up his point. His words of wisdom cannot be argued against or proven wrong. Major was able to reason out in a way which made the animals freely followed him.

Napoleon uses a different way to persuae his audience into following him. Whenever he fials, he always uses a scapegoat to keep the animals following and supporting him, thinking it is never his fault. Napoleon frequently used Snowball as the scapegoat. An example when this occurred was when he proclaimed “Comrades, do you know who is responsible for this [ the dystruction of the windmill]? Do you know the enemy who has come in the night and overthrown our windmill? SNOWBALL” (pg 82). It is very unlikely snowball played part in the dystructon of the windmill. The night of the windmill’s colaps, there was a heavy storm that was so strong it managed to rip off part of the roof and that is most likely the cause of the collapse. Ever since napoleon took charge, he never took resposiblilty for milstakes. He always tried to make himself look clean and as an ausome leader. Napoleon also began to rule the farm but no longer for the animals but rather for napoleon himself. Things changed forever. Napoleon no longer carred what the other animals thought. He did not need to. He started to use a new form of persuasion; fear. Now napoleon had some fersive dogs that would do anything he told then to do. The dogs had the ability to kill on order, so no longer did the animals have the ability to disagree but they had to do everything as told. They had fear from their government.

There are two main ways one can persuade someone into following his or her order(s). it is either achieved with agreement and benefits/changing ones mind, or it is achieved by showing fear such as devastating penalties, that communism is all about. Major had the words of wisdom that were able to turn the tides and bring a new life for the animals. Unfortunately the wise pig died and chaos began to arise. Major inspired the uprising for the benefits of the farm and himself. Napoleon however used fear to drive his government . he used his killing dogs that had the ability to kill anyone napoleon ordered to be killed. Since napoleon had such superiority, he became tempted and abused his power. No longer did napoleon rule for the animals but rather for himself .Napoleon made the farm treat him as a king which all must worship. He no longer focused on the benefits of the farm but rather all for himself. He had all the power ( thanks to the dogs) and there was no one there brave enough to fight back and say that it is wrong.